The International organization CRO, Cyber Rights Organisation, becomes soon an European Keyplayer on Cyber Rights Protection

CRO was created to stay and to mark an unprecedented watershed in the history of web-related rights and security of human beings.

We mainly deal with Revenge Porn, Image-based sexual abuse, violations of GDPR, sextortion, cyber stalking, cyberbullying, child pornography, monitoring of web challenges on social, media, trafficking in human beings, identity theft, deep web monitoring.

CRO is able to tackle all these issues thanks to the dense network of experts who collaborate for it from all over the world and from the most renowned and prominent universities. In addition, the decision to embrace the sustainable development goals entailed in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations regarding the goals of good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, peace justice and strong institutions, partnerships for the goals, has allowed us over time, to gather around the CRO mission an ever-growing number of supporters and international organisations committed to the protection of rights on many different fronts.

In a short time, CRO has managed to assemble an in-house team that can boast an excellent cross-section of expertise: legal experts specialized in international law, criminal law, human rights, humanitarian law, and cybercrime. But that is not all. CRO is also capable of penetration testing, digital forensics investigation, big data analysis, web analyst, web geolocalisation. A large set of working tools that will allow us, day after day, to provide strong answers to human rights crimes on the web.

The ethics of CRO and its board of Directors, the deep vocation for internationality and multiculturalism, the support obtained from the best Dutch and European universities, the teamwork, the direct line with the major western institutions promoting peace and democracy, make CRO the leading European organisation on the issue of human rights online.

CRO’s director, Anna Sarto, explains: ” It is in nowadays socio-cultural context in which Internet is inextricably integrated into our lives, businesses, and free time that the CYBER RIGHTS® ORGANIZATION has been desired, planned, created, and founded.”

Strong in the conviction that there could be no healthy and balanced democratic and egalitarian development of our institutions without strong awareness-raising work on the issue of cyber rights and finally protection, by every possible means, of citizens’ rights on the Web.

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